Tag: Your Daily Thought

How Much Should I Tip?

We understand the importance of tipping, but it can be confusing: Who are you supposed to tip? And how much? You can ask 1,000 people and get 1,000 different answers. Tipping used…

The 411 on Period Underwear and Some of Our Top Picks

If you’re here, you want to learn more about period underwear! Below, we’ve compiled some information to help you decide whether period underwear is right for you, along with some product options.…

Birth Control: A List of Reasons Why Women Use It

Outside of the obvious reason a woman would go on birth control, it also has many added benefits. Here is a list of reasons women use birth control that have little to…

A Guide to Gaining Self-Confidence

Have you ever been out at a restaurant or bar and set your sights on a very confident person? Or do you have that one friend or co-worker who always exudes self-confidence…

Dealing With Inappropriate Colleagues

Whether you love or hate your job, most of us can come with some pros and cons of going to work. Donuts in the break room? Major pro. On the other hand,…

Common Real Estate Myths You Need to Know

If you’re at a point where you think you’re ready to buy a home, congratulations! But before you embark on this exciting (albeit arduous journey), let’s debunk some common real estate myths.…

Build the Laundry Room of Your Dreams

Wanting your dream laundry room is something a lot of us can relate to. If you had the means and space to do it, what would that look like? What would it…

Songs from the ’70s We Still Dig

Music is magical because it can give us a peek into life when a song was released. As time goes on, tunes of the past only get more special. With the release…

Dealing With the Death of a Pet

When a pet passes away, it feels like a piece of your heart goes missing. Your love for your furry friend feels distant, and you’d give anything to squeeze in one last…

Help! My Significant Other Has Major Jealousy Issues

First things first: Feeling jealous at some point is normal. Most relationships experience it. So don’t feel like you have to put your SO in the dog house just because their jealousy…


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