Tag: lifestyle

Self-Care Hobbies Worthy of Your Time in 2021

At the beginning of every year, we promise ourselves we’ll do better, be better, and feel better. A few weeks into the New Year, however, those intentions tend to fall to the…

Easy Tricks To Take The Fear Out Of Halloween Decorating

Spooky Halloween decorations can be both creepy and easy-breezy to set up. Create a fun atmosphere by welcoming in guests with a friendly ghost, then serve up other treats. Turn up the…

Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls Capture Autumn Flavor

Greet Halloween trick-or-treaters returning home from an evening of plunder and mayhem with these snacks or kick off a football weekend with these delicious rolls. They can star at your Thanksgiving brunch…

Organize Your Stuff to Get Into a Better Headspace

When you’re surrounded by clutter and disorganization, your whole world can start to feel like chaos. Your environment has a big effect on your mind and your emotional state. If you organize…

How to Dress for Your Workout Type

What do you wear when you work out? The answer to the question depends entirely on the type of exercise routine you’re about to do. Make sure you’re wearing the right clothing…

Time to Put These Jet Lag Myths to Sleep

When you travel between time zones, your internal biological clock stays behind where you started. The disconnect between your biological clock and the clock at your destination produces the inevitable zombie-like state…

How to Travel Without Checking Costly Bags

Here are some ways to save on those ridiculous baggage fees when you fly. Plan on layering clothes. You get more outfits and flexibility for weather changes by packing clothes you can layer. …

10 Essential Products For Staying Clean On The Road

Travel can wreak havoc on your clothes — there you are, on the go with a huge salad oil stain down the front of a blouse you planned to wear again. Fortunately,…

How to Stop Biting Your Nails

Nail biting is more than an unattractive habit. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, this bad habit can be a big problem. It may damage the tissue that causes nails to…


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