Tag: Your Daily Thought

Five Tips to Pay Off Debt Fast

Most of us have had to deal with debt at some point. And many of us still have it. But how do we get rid of it? We know the goal is…

These Six Multitasking Beauty Products Are the Future

If you’re looking for ways to maximize your time and streamline your daily routine, you’re not alone. Beauty products are evolving to meet this demand, offering multitasking solutions to simplify beauty regimens…

Nine Simple Home Decor Hacks That Will Transform Your Space

With the ever-evolving decor trends on TikTok, Instagram, and Pinterest, we want to change our home design more frequently than ever. Unfortunately, we can’t update our floors, walls, cabinets, and fixtures every…

Help! My House Is Always Dusty

You know that glorious part of the day when the sun is illuminating your favorite room of the house with golden beams? But then you start to look around and are horrified…

A Guide to Planning the Ultimate Girls’ Trip

If you’ve never taken a trip with your girlfriends, we highly recommend it! But, as you plan, it’s important to consider everyone’s interests, needs, feelings, and budget. Planning a vacay that accommodates…

The 411 on Beauty Product Expirations

Just like food products have expiration dates, so do cosmetics, skincare, and perfume. But how is shelf life determined? And when can you safely extend these products past their expiration? Knowing how…

The Best True Crime Documentaries for True Crime Junkies

For some of us, true crime documentaries are an addiction. We get it. Sometimes it’s hard to turn away from these bizarre, twisted, based-on-a-true-story films. Here are some of our favorites. Have…

How to Treat a Cold Sore / Fever Blister

Fever blisters, cold sores…whatever you call them, they’re no fun. But they are common and can be treated, so let’s get into it. What Is a Fever Blister? If you’ve never had…

The Benefits of Pickleball

If you like tennis, ping-pong, and badminton, pickleball may be just the sport for you. But if you aren’t sure about it, we’re here to fill you in on the game and…

Boob Tape 101

Okay, ladies, who wants to ditch the bra but still support the girls? Allow us to introduce you to boob tape. It’s not always the vibe, but it can be a total…


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