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Tag: Your Daily Thought

Letting Go of an Ex: Tips for Moving On

We get it: Breakups are hard. But there comes a time in every post-relationship situation when it’s time to let go of your ex. It might feel impossible at first, but you…

The Benefits of Honey During Cold and Flu Season

Depending on where it is harvested, honey can vary in flavor: It can be nutty, smoky, floral, or fruity, but it’s always delicious and a great natural sweetener. You may have also…

Sleeping Pills: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

You’ve misted your bedroom with lavender sleep spray, purchased blackout curtains, kicked the caffeine early in the afternoon, and tried every Sleepytime tea you can get your hands on…but try as you…

The Most Comfortable Heels

If you love rocking heels every now and then but hate how they hurt your feet, we feel your pain! People say, “Pain is beauty,” but we disagree! We instead subscribe to…

Is It Purging or a Breakout?

If you have acne-prone or sensitive skin, trying out a new skincare product can be nerve-racking, especially when you see new pimples form on your skin! From then on, you can’t help…

Creative Uses for White Vinegar at Home

It may be one of the smelliest items in your pantry, but white vinegar is also one of the most useful and versatile items to have! It doesn’t contain dyes that leave…

A Beginner’s Guide to Weightlifting

Lifting weights has many benefits, like building lean muscles, strengthening joints, and keeping your metabolism healthy – but if you don’t lift weights correctly, you could injure yourself. Here are some tips…

Get the Gear for Your Favorite Teams

Many of us are sports fans, and even if we aren’t, there is undoubtedly someone in our life who is. Getting sports gear is part of the fandom, regardless of whether you…

Chronic Sinus Problems and What it Could Mean

Has your nose been stuffy for a long time? Do you have pressure around your nose, eyes, and cheekbones? Do you frequently get sinus headaches? You may have chronic sinusitis. Today we…

Glute-Strengthening Exercises

If you sit for long periods of the day for work or school, you may be surprised by how strengthening your glute muscles can work wonders for everyday life. After all, the…


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