Tag: Your Daily Thought

Beauty in the Mundane: Finding Joy in Chores

Let’s get real: Chores aren’t fun. They are mundane, repetitive, and seemingly always pile up on our to-do lists! But we have some good news for you: It’s possible to find joy…

The Best Running Shoes

Is your new year’s resolution to start running? Or maybe it’s simply to start going for daily walks around the block. Either way, you will need a good pair of lightweight running…

Movie Couples That Wouldn’t Make It IRL

Fess up. Do you romanticize film and TV couples as obsessively as we do? Don’t worry – we’re not judging! It’s a painless way to satisfy our inner romantics. Unfortunately, it also…

When Should I Start Getting Mammograms?

Mammograms are essential in detecting breast cancer. With their help, medical experts can diagnose cancer at earlier stages when it is most treatable, sometimes up to three years before it can be…

How to Get Relief From a Migraine

To put it plainly: Migraines hurt. Not only can they cause excruciating pain, but no one is really “safe” from getting them, as they affect people of all ages. Luckily, healthy habits…

Easy-to-Make Comfort Food Recipes

Is there anything better than sitting down on a cold winter’s evening to dinner that consists of comfort foods made from scratch? The problem is a lot of us are busy and…

How to Create the Ultimate Bucket List

When creating your bucket list, there’s no time like the present. Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your list and stay focused on making its contents…

Kitchen Renovation Ideas

Design, function, and practicality are all priorities when embarking on a kitchen renovation. On top of being beautiful, its important to have proper lighting and appropriate seating, and optimize storage all at…

How to Keep the Spark Alive in Your Long-Term Relationship

Let’s get straight to the point: The “honeymoon phase” at the beginning of a relationship doesn’t always last forever. Over time, that initial excitement can dwindle – but just because there’s a…

Cystic Acne 101

You may already be familiar with acne, but if not, let us fill you in: Acne is a skin condition that occurs when your pores become plugged with oil and dead skin…


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