Tag: Tip of the Day

Kisser Tell

Full, rosy lips are associated with high levels of estrogen, which decreases with age, meaning that lips become thinner and paler as you get older. And this is why lip gloss was…

Exercise for Better Memory

Researchers conducted fitness tests on 2,747 20-somethings, making them run on a treadmill until they couldn’t keep up. When the participants were between the ages of 43 and 55, they all took…

Stress Can Be Contagious

In a recent study, researchers measured the level of the stress hormone cortisol in  participants while they underwent interviews and did math problems in their heads. Ninety-five percent showed cortisol spikes. No…

Eat for BP

An analysis of 39 trials and studies published since 1900 found that eating a vegetarian diet lowered people’s average systolic and diastolic blood pressure numbers, compared to eating an omnivorous one. But…

The Absolute Worst Passwords You Can Use Online

You would never even think about using a password such as “iloveyou.” Or settle on a password such as “123456” or “default” or “hello.” Yet these are just a few of the…

Green Tea Helps The Aging Process

Another win for green tea: It helps you age better! In a study of nearly 14,000 elderly, green tea drinkers functioned well in old age, and had fewer problems with basic everyday…

Music Isn’t for Everyone

Scientists call this condition specific musical anhedonia. Researchers at the University of Barcelona tested physiological markers of emotional response and found that people with this form of anhedonia (literally: without pleasure) are able to…

A Good Cry

Does crying really make us feel better? One study of thousands of recent crying experiences found that a majority of people, though not all, did have a boost in mood after they…

Pets and Your Health

There’s a reason dogs are known as man’s best friend. Today over 60 percent of Americans have pets: 77 million dogs, 93 million cats and many other creatures make up the $45…

Sugar Is Everywhere

According to the World Health Organization, less than 5 percent of your total daily calories should be sugar. That’s tricky, given all the sneaky places sugar hides these days, like bottled salad…


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