Tag: Relationships

Why Women Should Marry The Nerds

If you want to get ahead, you should pay close attention to who you marry. Says who…? Facebook’s chief operating officer,  and co-author of new book, “Option B”, Sheryl Sandberg. In a recent interview…

5 Loving Gestures That Are Better Than A Gift

Showing love and affection towards your partner doesn’t mean you have to go for broke. Sure…  gifts, trips and dates are romantic. But, there are ways you can show that you care…

5 Great Alternatives To Marriage Counseling

When your relationship is on the rocks, you often hear that you should go to couples therapy or marriage counseling. While these options are great, not everyone feels comfortable sharing their problems with a stranger.…

11 Reasons To Feel Good About A Break Up

Breaking up may be hard to do, but sometimes it’s a blessing in disguise. Actually, most times it’s for your own good. It may not feel like it in the moment, and it can…

Tax Advantages You Could Get From Being Married

When you say, “I do” a lot of things change – including your tax situation. Back in the day, it used to be that couples were penalized when they both made high incomes…

Your Kids Aren’t “Special”

A new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences proves that the “blame the parents” strategy may not be too far off. Research shows that children who are told they’re special end…

You’re Probably Not an Introvert Or Extrovert

What happens if you’re not quite shy enough to be an introvert, and not sociable enough to be an extrovert? Turns out, you belong with an estimated 40 to 68 percent of…

Chocolate Is the Answer to the Valentine’s Question

Chocolate is the Valentine gift on everyone’s lips. With very little time left until V-Day, you can still express ship the most exquisite artisanal, single source chocolates to your sweetie. Even when…

How To Spend Valentine’s Day With No Babysitter

Will you and your partner be spending Valentine’s Day this year with a plus 1, 2 or…3? Before kids came along, it was so easy to plan a Valentine’s Day date night. But now, depending…


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