Tax Advantages You Could Get From Being Married

When you say, “I do” a lot of things change – including your tax situation. Back in the day, it used to be that couples were penalized when they both made high incomes because it pushed them into a higher tax bracket. But now, things are changing so couples can start reaping more benefits and less penalties. According to, if one spouse has a lower salary that person may be able to pull the couple down into a lower bracket which would reduce overall taxes.

Take a look at these various tax advantages and benefits that may be available to you.

  1. Married Couples Can Get Greater Charitable Contribution Deductions: Depending on income, there’s a limit to how much money an individual can contribute to charity and use as a deduction. If you have a spouse, that limit increases.
  2. Marriage Can Protect Estate: If you’re wealthy and married, this may make it easier to protect assets that are left behind.
  3. Spouse Could Be A Tax Shelter: If you or your spouse owns a business that is losing money, the other person can be used as a tax write-off.
  4. Couples Can Benefit Shop: If both spouses are working and both have great benefit packages at work, they can pick which ever package has the best benefits. The right mixture of benefits can increase a couple’s tax savings.

Keep in mind, when filing a joint return you are responsible for every number that’s in there. You are equally liable for everything.

READ MORE: 7 Tax Advantages Of Getting Married




Jessica E. Williams

Jessica is a fun-loving free spirit. She's a writer that covers all sorts of genres. In her spare time, she's enjoying her family and contemplating the deeper meaning of life.

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