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Tag: Recipes

5 Healthy At Home Baking Recipes

Baking is a great way to spend our time, but sweet treats and sugar-packed recipes can make regularly baking cakes a little dangerous for our waistlines! Here are five healthy at home…

Move Over Mayo: 5 Beautiful Spreads

Although there are many varieties of mayo today, from vegan versions to ones made with healthier oils such as olive or canola, look beyond mayonnaise to other spreads—ones that provide just as…

The Easiest Roasted Broccoli Recipe

For a healthy, easy roasting side dish, pick up some broccoli and try this great recipe. This recipe staple is a flavorful side dish that goes well with chicken and fish. The Easy…

Avocado All Day, All Night

It’s time to flip the menu and forget about the basic favorite: smashed avo on toast. After a hot year on top of the trend, it’s time to mix things up. While…

Jennifer’s Brain Boosting Breakfast Smoothie

Follow me on Instagram at @jenniferswarbrick Owner of The Pilates Room Jennifer’s Brain and Energy Boosting Breakfast Smoothie gives you energy, boosts your mood and helps fix anxiety. It’s a perfect way to…

4 Delicious Salads That Don’t Involve Lettuce

Salad is that healthy meal option that’s always out there…and it’s one that always feels a little boring. It’s difficult to eat healthy, low-calorie meals when salad seems like it’s always the…

Quick, Low-Calorie Muffin Recipes That Are Easy to Make

Muffins are definitely a comfort food, but they can add a little too much comfort to your waistline. While muffins may seem healthy because of the portion size and that many are…

2 Super Simple Breakfasts That Look Difficult to Make

They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but it can also be the most infuriating to make. You’re hungry, you’re groggy and you’re in no mood to…


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