Tag: Fitness

Use Food to Maximize Your Workout Effectiveness

Coordinating exercise and eating can help you get the most out of your workouts. Using a few simple tips about eating and drinking can boost you toward your best exercise performance. Tailor…

Get Insane Abs With “Crawl Like A Baby” Fitness Routine

Who says you should ditch crawling completely once you start walking? According to some fitness experts, breaking out a crawl regularly could be the best thing you do for your health. In fact, with…

What’s the Problem With Whole30?

Heard about that hot new diet Whole30 that’s so popular on Instagram? Turns out it’s not so favored by the nutrition experts who rank food programs for U.S. News & World Report.…

Celebs Make 2017 Resolutions Just Like You and Me

If every celebrity who starts off 2017 vowing to eat healthy, chow down on less pizza and live in the gym follows through, this year will be one of the healthiest on…

Tricks to Kick Start Your Motivation

Getting up and out on cold winter mornings is tough. Putting your New Year’s resolution to get into shape can be even more challenging. If you feel you simply lack motivation to…

Get Muscle After One Workout With These Excersises

Say you start working out for the first time in a long time and you know you’re out of shape. How soon would you expect to see results? Most people want to…

2 For 1: How To Get A Workout During Sex

If you’re having trouble making it to the gym, you may want to consider substituting those missed sessions with “alone” time with your partner. Sex is a great way to get your blood…


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