Tag: Fitness

5 Best Yoga Poses For Weight Loss

Yoga is known for its ability to relieve stress and improve flexibility, but most people don’t realize that a good yoga workout can also burn stubborn fat and seriously slim you down. The reason is…

Simple Ways to Navigate the Resolution Crowd at the Gym

So you’re breaking a sweat before even getting to the gym (or lifting a weight)? At its most dedicated point (mid-way through January), the resolution crowd is taking over the parking lot…

5 Super Simple Exercises That Totally Work

To get fit in 2019, you don’t really need an expensive gym membership, a ton of fancy equipment or even a big outdoor area. If you want to start toning your body…

Yoga is More Than Just Getting Down the Dog

More forever and less a fad, yoga is the perfect way to get into shape without the hassle of tackling gym life. Since other exercise classes like spin and body pump can…

Bodyweight Fitness is the Exercise Trend to Watch in 2019

If you want to follow one of the biggest upcoming exercise trends in 2019, you won’t need any fancy equipment. Forget about climbing on a machine, finding the right resistance bands or…

Fitness Tips for When You Can’t Find Time to Exercise

When you can barely find time to sleep and you work through your lunch break every day, finding time to exercise really does seem impossible. And when you can’t magically find 30…

How to Stay Indoors and Still Stay Active This Winter

Winter weather can easily put a damper on an active lifestyle. The cold temperatures can prevent you from going jogging, taking a walk, hiking, biking or any outdoor activity you can think…

The Squat Machine…What Is It And Does It Work?

No one wants a flat, limp bottom, so we get why you could be a little envious when you see someone with the impossibly perky and round bum. While an apple bottom…

3 Ways To Get Off The Treadmill And Enjoy The Sun

This summer, be sure to enjoy the sun by moving your workout routine outdoors. Hanging out in the sun is good for boosting your mood, keeping you active and stimulating your senses…

Upbeat Music Can Tune Up Your Exercise

Runners ran longer when they listened to upbeat music, and their increased stamina can show you how to boost your own fitness program. Upbeat music makes you want to exercise longer and…


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