Tag: Your Daily Thought

Online Dating: How to Spot a Catfish

Online dating has quickly become one of the most convenient and straightforward ways to meet new partners. But with online dating comes catfishing: when someone creates a false persona and tricks others…

Embrace Summer: Tips to Staying Healthy and Fit

Summer is upon us! It’s the season of sunshine, outdoor adventures, and refreshing dips in the pool. But with the rising temperature comes the challenge of staying fit and healthy. From maintaining…

DIY Beauty Products and Treatments

Are you tired of spending an arm and a leg on beauty products that don’t work? A DIY approach to beauty treatments not only saves money, but the natural components in these recipes…

Got Big Goals? Here’s How to Stick With Them

Most of us probably have at least one big goal we want to achieve in the coming weeks, months, or years. But we also know that making goals, sticking to them, and…

A Guide to Setting Healthy Boundaries

You probably know the term “boundaries,” but you might not know how to define or establish them. While boundaries may sound cold or off-putting, they should be created to care for yourself…

Online Dating: Red Flags to Look For

Online dating is the new norm, but that doesn’t mean you necessarily need to go out with any Tom, Dick, or Harry to see if they could be “the one.” While not…

Books We’re Excited to Read This Summer

With summer days ahead, we can’t wait to lay out on our cozy beach towels by the ocean or pool while sinking into a good book. Here is a list of upcoming…

Our Favorite Inclusive and Diverse Fashion Brands

Fashion is an art form that helps us express ourselves while honoring diversity and inclusivity. In recognition of the growing awareness surrounding diversity in fashion, many clothing lines prioritize accommodating different body…


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