Tag: Your Daily Thought

The Secrets to Longer, Thicker Lashes Without Extensions

Who doesn’t love long, voluminous lashes? While eyelash extensions can give you the desired look, they can be high maintenance and damage your natural lashes. But what if you could achieve the same…

What’s the Deal With ChatGPT?

You’ve probably heard the name ChatGPT thrown around a lot in the last few months. But if you’re not familiar, allow us to introduce you: ChatGPT is a language-based artificial intelligence (AI)…

A Guide to Packing the Ultimate Beach Bag

Sometimes we get so excited about spending a day at the beach that we forget to pack even the most basic essentials in our beach bags. Use our guide as a checklist,…

Traveling for Work? Here’s How to Make the Most Out of It

Traveling for work can be a bit of a catch-22: You’re going through the motions of traveling, but instead of a fun-filled weekend, you’ll be doing work things. We’re firm believers, however,…

The Power of Positive Thinking and How to Adjust Your Mindset

Have you ever noticed how some people seemingly have a positive attitude about everything? Even in adversity, they can find the silver lining and maintain a cheerful disposition. The truth is: Positivity doesn’t…

Five (Surprising) Health Benefits of Meditation

Meditation is rising in popularity as a simple and effective tool for improving overall health and well-being. Despite the misconceptions about meditation being a mystical practice or only for the spiritual-minded, it’s…

Self-Parenting 101

As kids, we tend to think our parents are superheroes who know everything and can do nothing wrong. But the harsh reality is that, as adults, we sometimes realize certain needs weren’t…


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