Tag: Work

Common Pitfalls At Work and How to Avoid Them

It’s no secret that the professional world necessitates challenging dated, gender-based misconceptions regarding women in the workforce. The wage gap, glass ceilings, and dissonance between professionalism and motherhood are common topics in…

How to Boost Your Co-Worker’s Confidence

Not everyone is naturally confident, especially in the workplace, and sometimes co-workers need a little encouragement. Here are some simple yet effective ways you can help to boost your co-worker’s confidence. Offer…

How to Compose a Professional E-mail

So, you’ve kind of, sort of (finally) figured out the adulting thing. It’s time to switch the flip from personal to professional and apply the same mindset. Meet your new best friends:…

Office Holiday Parties Can Make (or Break!) Your Career

The holiday office party can be fun as long as you recognize and follow rules of expected behavior. Think of the party as a career booster, and you won’t overstep any boundaries.…


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