Improve Your Posture With These Simple Steps

A few adjustments are all it takes to improve your posture. What most people don’t realize is that your posture can be improved all the time, whether you’re sitting, standing or lying down.

Here are some quick tips that’ll help you improve your posture…

  1. Stand properly. Ensure that when you stand your feet are shoulder width apart and that you distribute weight evenly across your feet. Remind yourself to keep your shoulders rolled back and belly tucked.
  2. Core exercises. It can be hard to keep your belly tucked if your core is weak. While this isn’t a quick fix, start doing exercises like yoga and Pilates to help improve your core.
  3. Sit at a 135 degree angle. When sitting, place feet evenly on the floor (if possible). Be sure that your chair supports your back and get a pillow that you can rest between your lower back and mid back.
  4. Breathe with your diaphragm. Be sure to breathe using your diaphragm. That way you are engaging your core muscles and it will automatically help lengthen your spine.
Jessica E. Williams

Jessica is a fun-loving free spirit. She's a writer that covers all sorts of genres. In her spare time, she's enjoying her family and contemplating the deeper meaning of life.

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