Tips for Keeping Your Indoor Plants Alive

Having beautiful green foliage all over your home brings such a natural, zen atmosphere where you can truly relax, sit back, and chill. Unfortunately, plants are like people and can be a little complicated at times. Every plant is different and has specific needs in order to thrive, but don’t worry, even if you don’t have a green thumb there is no reason why you can’t have some beautiful, natural plants in your home.

Water your plants the right amount

All plants have different needs when it comes to watering and thankfully, indoor plants typically do not require watering every day. Be sure to read about your plant types so you make sure you are giving them what they need.

Pick the correct pot for drainage

Proper pot drainage is important for keeping your indoor plants alive because if the pots don’t properly drain the water, the roots may begin to rot.


Just like we need haircuts for our hair to look nice and full, plants need occasional trimming so that they can stay nice and healthy! By doing this, the plant’s nutrients will go directly to the healthy leaves as opposed to the dead and dry leaves.

Be aware of the heat

If plants are being used to decorate the house, sometimes it’s hard to not constantly move them around. Even though it’s best to leave your plants in a single spot, make sure you aren’t placing your plants anywhere it gets too hot! The heat will dry out the leaves and the soil.

The Best Indoor Plants

There are so many beautiful plant species out there that it can be difficult to know where to start! It’s always good to do some research before you head to the nursery so that you know what plants fit your needs. Not all plants thrive inside so if you are looking for indoor plants, here are a few great suggestions to get you started.

  1. English Ivy
  2. Pothos Ivy
  3. Aloe Plant
  4. Rubber Tree
  5. Snake Plant
  6. Fiddle Leaf Fig
  7.  Bromeliad
  8. Castiron Plant
  9. Jade Plant
  10. Peace Lily
  11. Spider Plant
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