New Celebrity Booty Lifting Trend You’ve Got To Try

There’s a new trend in the celebrity fitness space that promises to lift the butt in a way that nearly defies gravity. People have used this prop in some form or another forever, but never before for the sole purpose of lifting the butt. Made popular by celebrity fitness trainer, Gunnar Petterson, he’s used this prop to whip people like Khole Kardashian into shape.

So, what is it?

It’s called a slackline fitness stand, which is basically a device that supports a band known as a slackline. The slackline looks like a tight rope, except it’s wider and has more slack. For the past few years, Gunnar has used this device to torture train his clients. But recently, it’s been catching on by people like fitness model, Paige Hathaway, and several other Instagram models.

If you’re interested in using one to get in shape, just keep in mind that it was used as a “torture training” method for reason. Although it will help you see great results, it’s going to totally kick your butt along the way (no pun intended).

You may see fitness buffs or “tricklineer” as they are officially called, use the ropes for bouncing, yoga poses and flips. There are many exercises you can do on the slackline too. Use it to target your abs, build triceps, and of course, lift the booty. If you’re a newbie, start slow by using a wall or a person for balance. Gunnnar also suggests placing a padding on each side too.

READ MORE: Slacklining Is The Hottest Way To Lift Your Booty

Jessica E. Williams

Jessica is a fun-loving free spirit. She's a writer that covers all sorts of genres. In her spare time, she's enjoying her family and contemplating the deeper meaning of life.

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