Unique Ways to Help Celebrate Fourth of July

Each year during the first week of July, the United States celebrates Independence Day. This holiday is often celebrated with barbecues and fireworks, but that can get a bit old. Looking to switch it up and do something different this year? Read on!

Host a Red, White, and Blue Potluck

Instead of the usual burgers and dogs at your outdoor BBQ, ask your guests to bring red, white, and blue-themed dishes. For example, use strawberries, blueberries, and whipped cream for a dessert or make red, white and blue potato salad. Check out these red, white, and blue recipes.

Make a Patriotic Playlist

Rather than play the National Anthem, you can put together a playlist of great American songs like Born in the USA, Sweet Home Alabama, and American Pie – pretty much anything that mentions red, white, or blue or reminds you of America (any country song). Check out this list of patriotic songs!

Host Secret Uncle Sam

Secret Santa is usually done during Christmastime, but Secret Uncle Sam is a nice rendition on Independence Day. Basically, give every person the name of someone else at the party and create a budget for the group. It can put a fun spin on an otherwise gift-less holiday.

Each year does not need to be the same as the last. Consider choosing a unique way to celebrate the Fourth of July in 2022.

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