Self-Motivation Methods for Sticking to a Workout Routine

As the New Year begins, we might feel the pressure to take on a workout regime that’s entirely foreign to us. The resolution to “get fit” is popular but challenging, as it requires a good deal of willpower, time, and dedication. Here are a few self-motivation methods to help you stick to your new workout routine.

Start slow

The new year feels like a clean slate, which can be a great thing for self-motivation. That vigor to achieve can quickly turn into burnout, though, if you go too hard too fast. If you are new to working out, make sure you are easing yourself into the new plan rather than running full speed ahead.

Not only do you want to pace yourself in terms of workout length, but you also don’t want to overcommit to the number of days per week you workout. You can always amp up your workouts as they become less challenging.

Develop a routine

Developing a workout routine is essential to staying on track. For many, simply telling yourself to go to the gym once a day isn’t enough. It leaves a lot of ambiguity, which makes it easy to pass on a workout opportunity.

Develop a schedule for yourself that dictates the days of the week and the time of day you hit the gym. From there, you can increase the days and length of time at intervals throughout the year to meet your goals. By building a detailed routine for the year, you have a designated schedule for working out that will help keep you on track.

Stick to what you enjoy

Working out isn’t always fun, and there are likely workouts you can’t stand. If you don’t like cardio, then don’t commit to going for a run once a day—it’s not a realistic goal. Instead, incorporate cardio in a way that doesn’t feel taxing to you, such as jumping rope or home workout videos.

Workouts can be enjoyable, but not if you’re forcing yourself to do something you dislike. Build a regimen that plays to your strengths and challenges you in an enjoyable way.

Don’t rely on a partner

Partner workouts are great for motivation, accountability, and adding that element of fun to your otherwise monotonous workout routine. That being said, partners can also harm your routine.

If you choose to workout with a partner this year, make sure you are not reliant on them to achieve your goals. Regardless of their availability, stick to your workout schedule.

Developing a new workout regimen for the new year is no small feat. As you strive to lose weight, gain muscle, or tone your body, make sure you utilize these self-motivation methods for long-term results.

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