1. Chair Pose

Begin standing with your feet together and toes touching. Raise your arms overhead and bend your knees, bringing your thighs as parallel to the floor as they can get. Draw your shoulder blades back as you focus on drawing your tailbone downward. Be sure to keep your back long and hold for 10 breaths!
2. Twisted Chair

Bring your hands together to your heart center, place your left elbow over your right thigh trying to keep your hips in line. To twist deeper, bring your gaze above your right shoulder. Hold for 10 breaths, come back to center, and repeat on the opposite side.
3. High Lunge

From chair pose begin to put your weight into your left foot, pick up your right leg and step it back toward the back of your mat. Sink deep into your left leg creating a 90 degree angle and straighten your right leg. Keep your arms lifted and belly engaged. Repeat on opposite side.
4. Warrior II

While in high lunge, lower your right foot while turning it slightly to the right and your left foot out to the left at 90 degrees. Your left heel should be aligned with the right heel. Exhale as you bend your left knee over the left ankle so the shin is perpendicular to the floor and make sure that your right heel is firmly pressed into the ground. Stretch the arms away from the shoulder blades parallel to the floor with your gaze over your left finger tips. Keep the tailbone tucked and belly engaged so the top half of the body is in one line. Repeat on opposite side.