Should You Be Wearing Cool, Warm or Neutral Makeup Colors?

Is your skin tone cool, warm or neutral? The answer to the question determines the makeup colors you ought to be wearing to suit your natural beauty and bring out your best. Luckily, there is an easy way to answer the question and find just the right hues for you.

Find Your Undertone

Don’t make an assumption about your undertone based on your skin tone or your hair and eye color. The undertone of your skin is what ultimately determines if you’re a warm, a cool or a neutral, and the undertone isn’t dependent on your tan or the hue of your skin. Fair blondes can have a warm undertone, and women with rich chestnut hair may have a cool undertone.

Find your undertone with a simple test. Stand in natural light, and a good amount of it. Now, look at the inside of your wrist and elbow. Do you veins look blue or green? Hold up something blue and something green next to your arm, if needed, to find the answer. If your veins look blue, you are a cool undertone. If they’re green, you have a warm undertone. And if your veins are a mixture of blue and green, then your undertone is neutral.

Using the Right Makeup

Now that you know more about your undertone, you need to know how to shop for makeup. If you have a cool undertone, you should be wearing a foundation with pinker hues in it. Many companies include a “C” on foundations designed for cool undertones. If you’re warm, look for foundations that are more yellowish in tone, and search for a “W” label. If you have a more neutral undertone, there is often an “N” label, and this foundation is neither too pink nor too yellow.

The Right Colors

Which colors should you be wearing to complement your undertone? Women with a cooler undertone should look for shades with gray, peach, pale pink and orange hues to them. Warmer undertones should stick to makeup with golden, yellow or reddish hues. Purple works well with warm undertones as well.

And if you happen to have a neutral undertone, the sky’s the limit. Many different colors will suit your skin, so you can shop among the cool and warm-toned makeup and find something that works well with your natural shading.

What You Should Wear

Stick to makeup colors that will complement your natural undertones, and you’ll find the right colors to bring out the best of your skin tone. The right colors enhance and emphasize your natural beauty, and they look a lot more natural on your face. Give yourself great makeup looks by knowing which shades will look the best with your face, and find your undertone.

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