Tips to Engage in Social Media Healthily This Year

Even though social media sounds good in theory, we all know it comes with many side-effects. If you’ve also made it a new year’s resolution to spend less time on social media, it is probably time to think about ways in which you can spend your time on social media more efficiently and avoid aimless scrolling.

Set Up A Timer

You can control the time you spend on social media platforms by assigning a particular time of the day to social media. It can be hard and unnecessary to cut all social media from your life, especially if you use it to stay in touch with your friends and relatives. Instead, try setting up a certain time or two when you can use social media, and avoid it for the rest of the time. This can help you stay in touch with what is going on without losing too much of your time. If you have a problem with staying on an app for far too long than what you need, set up a timer and close the app when the timer runs out.

Plan Dates

If you have friends or family you can only stay in touch with via social media, instead of making it an excuse to scroll down your feed when you should be doing something more productive, try setting updates or calls with people you need to spend time with.

Clean Out Your Subscriptions

It is remarkable what kind of energy you can let into your life. With all types of content we consume every day, we aren’t aware of how much negativity and jealousy we invite to our lives. Take time to unsubscribe or unfollow everyone that provides content that doesn’t bring you joy. Or if this seems like too much work to take on, make a new account. This can really change the way you use a particular platform, and you can redefine what kind of content you want to be consuming this year.

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