Solo Dates You’ll Want to Take Yourself On

Dating can be complicated, overwhelming, and emotional. Some days, you can feel elated and excited; other days, you can feel beaten and broken down. But if you’re dating yourself, it can always be a positive experience! Keep reading for some awesome solo date ideas, whether you are in a relationship or not. Because you should never stop dating yourself!

Have a Photo Shoot

Put on a cute outfit, tousle your hair, apply your best makeup, and head outdoors. Be sure to bring your camera, because it’s time for a photo shoot. Pick some spots to take selfies. Experiment with poses and angles, or ask a stranger to snap a pic. You could also leave it to the professionals by booking a mini photoshoot.

Take Yourself Out for Drinks

Do you appreciate a well-made cocktail at the end of a long day? Head over to a local bar and indulge in your favorite drink. Socializing alone can boost your confidence, but be sure not to drink too much. And always ensure you have a safe way home.

Make a Hygge Solo Date Come True

A hygge solo date looks like this: comfy, cozy alone time. While everyone’s definition of a hygge solo date may be different, ours includes slipping into sweatpants, ordering comfort food, cueing up a romantic comedy, lighting some candles, cushioning our sofa with blankets and pillows, and relaxing.

Learn How to Arrange Flowers

Picking up a nice bouquet at the local flower shop is one way to treat yourself, but learning how to arrange flowers is another. A floral arrangement class allows you to combine colors and aromas to create your own custom blend. Going forward, you’ll be a whiz at arranging a home bouquet.

Go on a Main Character Walk

Put on some headphones, tune into your favorite playlist or podcast, and head outdoors; it’s time for a main character walk. Getting fresh air and mental stimulation can leave you feeling refreshed and ready to tackle anything. Plus, physical activity is great for your overall health.

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