How to Maintain Vitamin D Levels During Lockdown

Maintaining sufficient levels of vitamin D is essential to support your brain, bone, and heart health as well as your immune system. We all know that sunshine is the best way of getting your daily dose of vitamin D, but it’s hard to ensure you’re getting enough if you’re stuck indoors. Although you can still spend time during quarantine outdoors, here are some other ways you can increase your vitamin D intake.


Oily fish is known to be an amazing source of vitamin D. Each serving provides 75%-100% of your daily recommended vitamin D dose. Fish is also packed with omega-3 fatty acids that work to support your skin, health, and joints while helping the body to fight any inflammation.


If you are not a fan of fish or are vegetarian/vegan, then mushrooms are a great plant-based food rich in vitamin D. Just one cup of raw mushrooms can help you meet your daily vitamin D level.


Research has shown that lower levels of vitamin D in your blood are related to sleep disturbances and inadequate quality sleep. Trying to increase your vitamin D levels through food, sun exposure, and taking supplements, if needed, should help improve your sleep. Be sure to get a good sleep routine in place, too, and your body should begin to feel better.


It only takes around 10-30 minutes outside to get your required vitamin D dose from sun exposure, which also maintains healthy blood levels. If you are unable to leave home, try to spend some time outside on your patio, or even near a window. If you haven’t already, try taking your workout outdoors or take up an outdoor hobby such as gardening.

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