Your Daily Thought

Gommage Your Way to Silky Skin

Try the gentle gommage way to exfoliate. Gommage is a French word meaning “to erase” because with this mask you’ll use a rubbing action like erasing a word written in pencil. A…

Gut Imbalance Disrupts Happiness Hormone

An unhappy gut may give you more than just constipation and diarrhea. Our intestines produce a large portion of the “happy hormone” serotonin. Upsetting the delicate balance of good and bad bacteria…

Tips to Help Flatten Your Tummy

Sick and tired of of your not so flat tummy? Not to sound like an infomercial here…but firming up your tummy doesn’t have to be hard. Here are some tips to help…

Tips On Raising A Vegan Baby

Raising a vegan baby doesn’t have to be a challenge. As long as you’re giving him or her all the required nutrients their bodies need, they’ll grow up just fine. Here are…

Stress, Yoga & Your Hearing

Stress busters such as yoga and gardening can help reduce the ringing or buzzing in your ears. The symptoms of tinnitus are linked to stress overexciting areas of the brain. Try the…

Double Clean to Unclog Pores

Double up on your facial cleansing when pores become clogged and before blackheads start to form. Begin your cleansing routine by first massaging an oil cleanser into dry skin to remove makeup…

Bathe Feet in Milk and Honey

If you have dry, rough feet, this soak will soften and soothe them in a hurry. Gently warm two cups of whole milk and add one-fourth cup pure honey. The honey replenishes…

How To Make Yourself Irresistible To Him Tonight

1. Set the mood by dimming the lights. Open the curtains and let in some moonlight. 2. Wear something that makes you feel comfortable and sexy. If you’re not confident wearing something…

Stop at the Grocery Store For Nature’s Collagen

Head to the grocery store for ways to help boost collagen production and keep your skin looking young. Familiar stalwarts in natural skin care are dark, leafy green vegetables, but did you…

Remember the Good Times

Make a list of all the things you love about your partner and memorize them. When life gets difficult or your partner isn’t their best self, remember your list. It’s important to…


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