How To Incorporate Hyaluronic Acid Into Your Daily Skin Routine

If you come across a skincare product with hyaluronic acid, you should definitely think of adding it to your everyday skin routine. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring sugar molecule found in your skin. It helps retain moisture to keep your skin looking hydrated and youthful. It can hold up to 1000 times its weight in water! It is also known as a humectant, which is a type of ingredient known to absorb moisture from its surroundings. Hyaluronic Acid is found in so many different beauty products because it is one of the best skincare ingredients out there. But what exactly are the benefits of hyaluronic acid and why has it earned its name as one of the best products?

The Benefits of Using Hyaluronic Acid In Your Daily Skin Routine

As we get older our skin tends to dry out because it is not naturally producing enough collagen or hyaluronic acid anymore, so incorporating it into your everyday routine allows your skin to better retain moisture! Keeping your skin nice, hydrated, firm, and youthful. Having moisturized skin keeps your skin from sagging and diminishes the appearance of lines and wrinkles. No wonder hyaluronic acid is known as the “age-defying” ingredient found in skincare products. Now that we are approaching summer, and the sun is getting much stronger, it’s important to remember to take extra good care of your skin to prevent it from becoming dry.

How To Properly Use Hyaluronic Acid

Luckily, hyaluronic acid works on all skin types! It’s pretty simple to use because it is found in so many different beauty products and in so many different forms. There is hyaluronic acid found in masks, creams, facial sprays, serum, and more. The best form to use hyaluronic acid is in serum form so that your skin can absorb the pure hyaluronic acid. It can be used every day, either morning or night! Of course, like with any other skin product you want to make sure that you spot test before you commit to using it completely, even though hyaluronic acid isn’t known to have any negative side effects for the skin except some allergies. Everyone is different and it’s important to find what works for you!

Hyaluronic Acid Product Suggestions

There are so many different kinds of skincare products that use hyaluronic acid it can be overwhelming choosing where to start. Here are some hyaluronic acid product suggestions from great companies to help guide you! Remember it’s important to give yourself about two weeks to start seeing the real results, and trust us! You will not be disappointed.

Glossier – Super Bounce $28

Evolve Organic Beauty –  Hyaluronic Serum 200 $46

SkinCeuticals – Retexturing Activator $82

  1. I’ll be checking the ingredients in more health and beauty products. Is there a particular food ( maybe oranges and grapefruit . Lemon/lime)? That contains Hyaluronic acid. I take Aloe pills.

    1. Yes! There are foods that contain Hylauronic acid. Here are a few – bone broth, starchy root vegetables (like potatoes and artichoke), cabbage, leafy green vegetables, nuts, avocados, seeds and fruit. Citrus fruits contain naringenin, which inhibits the breakdown of hyaluronic acid, which means it doesn’t add it, but helps keep it from leaving the body. Soy foods also contain HA, but we don’t recommend eating a lot of soy as it can mimic estrogen in the body. Hope this helps! Thanks for writing, Patricia! – ThinkGlamor

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