How to Stay Body Positive Even on the Days it Feels Impossible

lot of us struggle with body positivity and the idea of accepting our bodies how they are. It’s just a little too easy to get on social media and see photos and videos of celebrities and influencers who appear “perfect”. And when bombarded with these images and videos almost daily, it’s not unusual to start questioning your own physicality. And let’s face it, some days are harder than others. Today we’re going to give you some pointers for the days when it’s just harder.

What Is Body Positive and Why Does It Matter?

Body positivity is the belief that no matter your weight, size, shape, appearance, or where you are on your health journey you can still feel good about your body. Rather than focus on what society tells you the “idea” body is. Body positivity involves changing the narrative and embracing our body instead of working against it. This is such an important way of thinking for a number of reasons including boosting your self-esteem, being more compassionate to yourself, pursuing health for all the right reasons and none of the wrong reasons, challenging unrealistic standards of beauty, encouraging inclusion, and many more.

How to Stay Body Positive

Changing the way you think about anything can be a long and difficult process; like we said, some days are harder than others. Here are a few pointers for the days you just aren’t feelin’ it.

Stop Comparison Before It Even Happens

In the age of social media, it’s too easy to start scrolling for fun and two hours later you’re picking yourself apart because your life, and let’s be real, your body, might not look like someone else’s. Here’s the thing, there are a million different ways, not to mention apps, that social media influencers can and do use to make themselves appear perfect. The highlight reel we see online is not real. Combat the comparison by becoming hyper-aware of when it starts and making the conscious choice to step away from your phone.

If All Else Fails, Log Off

In theory, walking away from your phone or laptop sounds easy enough, but most of us know it’s not. Social media breaks can be an amazing thing and if you find that you’re feeling bad about yourself because of other people’s highlight reel, it’s probably time to log off. It’s up to you whether you need a few hours away or a few days or more away, but we promise there is life beyond the screen.

Strive for Healthy, Not “Skinny”

Oftentimes goals of extreme thinness result in organ damage, brittle hair, flaky skin, mood swings and so much more. These things happen when we think we need to be skinny and aren’t prioritizing health. But we’re here to tell you that focusing on health will never fail you. When you move your body and eat balanced, nutritious meals you’ll notice a change in your sleep schedule for the better, enhanced self-confidence, and increased productivity, and your chances of heart disease, stroke, and cancer are reduced, just to name a few of the many benefits that come when you focus on health.

Move It, Move It

If you’re feeling a little down about your body, move it. Exercise gives you endorphins and before you know it, you’ll feel better. So make the conscious effort to hit the gym, do some yoga, or head outside for a walk, fresh air, and sunshine. Even if you only have a few minutes to spare, you’ll be glad you did it.

Have a Treat

Sometimes you just need a treat to feel better. A little treat can be anything that serves you; sit down with a book you’ve been meaning to read, go get your nails done, take a self-care shower, or stay in and make your favorite dish for dinner.

Toss the Scale

Get it out of your bathroom, kitchen, or wherever it is. You don’t need it. There are other ways to track your fitness progress, but if you’re someone who gets caught up on numbers, it’s best to get the numbers out of sight and out of mind. Instead, keep a health journey, take monthly photos, use a fitness tracker, or simply go by how your clothes are fitting.

Do You Talk to Your Bestie With That Mouth?

If there ever comes a day when you’re being especially unkind to yourself and let’s be real, most of us have them, think about how you would talk to your best friend going through the same thing. You would probably tell them they’re perfect, beautiful, intelligent, and deserve the world, which is also true of you. So watch how you talk to yourself because your words and how you speak to yourself matter.

Surround Yourself With Support

Whether it’s a friend who is also on a health journey or someone you just find inspiring, surround yourself with those people. Then, even on the bad days, there is something right there to pick you up. This person may suggest going on a walk together, meeting up for coffee, or just sitting and talking for a while, and trust us when we say, you’ll leave that meetup feeling better.

Forgive Yourself

Most of us have days where we don’t love our bodies, and honestly, that’s okay. Don’t beat yourself up because you had a bad day or a bad week. The important thing is how you bounce back. So forgive yourself and keep moving forward.

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