How to Not Be So Distracted by Your Phone

There are a ton of benefits to smartphones, the use of social media, and the concept of having the world literally at your fingertips. Just a few of those benefits include entertainment purposes, of course, staying in touch with friends and family from all over the world, and the information is never-ending for those of us who simply love to learn or, you know, love to win every argument.

But at the same time, doomscrolling and our compulsion to do so can and will eat up our lives. A number of states in the U.S. have begun to sue various social media platforms for being part of the reason so many youths suffer from poor mental health. But here’s the thing, it’s not just affecting the youth, adults are suffering too. If you, like so many of us feel as though you could be spending less time on your phone and not be so distracted, here are a few tips that will help you take back control.

Press Pause

If you’re about to grab your phone and do anything on it, take a moment to pause and think about the reason. It can be super difficult to stay focused when you have to use social media for your job because the temptation to scroll is really real, so focus on your purpose, get it done, then put your phone down or walk away.

Clean Up Your Apps

Take a few minutes to nix the apps you don’t use, and consider organizing the ones you do use so you can easily find them. No more getting distracted by app notifications from apps you don’t even use and no more searching for the one app you’re looking for.

Create Distance

Out of sight, out of mind, as they say. Put your phone on a charger in a different room or put it in your bag, anywhere where you’re most likely to forget about it.

Do Not Disturb

Let your phone do the work for you! Most phones allow you to set your own schedule if/when you’d like to receive notifications and from who. For the Apple how-to, click here and for the Android how-to, click here.

Establish Phone-Free Times/Zones

Create screen-free moments like during morning coffee or areas in your home such as your bedroom where phones simply aren’t allowed. If you struggle with screen time around other people, make sure you actively focus on putting your phone down and away when you’re spending quality time with friends or family. You can even set a special ‘do not disturb’ schedule
for functions so you won’t receive phone calls or notifications.

Romanticize Time Away

From your phone, that is. Enjoy the quiet, journal, meditate, take a walk, have a cup of coffee outside, just relax, and enjoy both the mental break and the break from the blue light on your eyes and you’ll realize how nice it is. Before you know it, you’ll be away from your phone more than you’re on it.

Disable App Notifications

Emails, news, social media, you name it. Go through each app and disable all of the notifications you can. Remember, people don’t need access to you 24/7.

Flip It Real Good

If you don’t use social media for work and you really want to stop getting so distracted by your device, go back to a flip phone that only texts and/or calls. Yes, this is drastic, and no, this won’t be the solution for everybody, but it is and can be a great solution for some.

The Bottom Line

This entire process will take some getting used to and the right combination will take some trial and error, but with a lot of mindfulness and a little patience, you’ll notice your device will start to matter less and less and you’ll be directing your focus elsewhere – in a good way!

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