How to Get a Beautiful Natural Eyebrow Look

When Brooke Shields hit the celebrity scene in the 1970s, she took the style world by storm. Brooke’s fresh-faced beauty changed the trends of the day. The feature that everyone wanted because of Shields? Eyebrows. Brooke’s big, natural eyebrows were a huge contrast to the penciled-in looks of the day, and it totally shook up the style scene. Now, natural eyebrows are back again. Find out how to get the look, and you can be in style just like all the modern trendsetters.

It’s All in the Wrists

To get a gorgeous natural brow look, technique is everything. When you apply your brow makeup, whether you’re using a pencil or a brush, do it with a flicking motion. You want to use short strokes, and you want to follow the natural growth pattern of your eyebrows. With little flicks of motion, follow your natural eyebrow hairs from root to tip. Don’t apply your makeup in a line from brow end to brow end to cover all the hairs at once; work on using quick little motions to cover each hair instead. Try Maybelline Brow Precise Micro Eyebrow pencils to give thin eyebrows a fuller look.

Pick the Right Shade

Eyebrows that are too dark look drawn on, and that’s exactly what you don’t want. Choose your brow color carefully. It should be the same shade as your hair (or the same shade as your natural brow color). Experiment with different shades until you find the perfect match. Joah’s Brow Down to Me Precision Brow pencils come in 6 different natural-looking shades that cover a spectrum of brow colors.

Fill in Thin Brows

If your eyebrows are thin or you have sparse patches within your brows, use an angled brush to apply powder to these areas. Remember to use your short, flicking motions to add the power to your brows. Hourglass Arch Brow Sculpting pencils offer powder-like coverage with an easy-to-use pencil design.

Brush and Blend

Using an eyebrow brush or a clean mascara wand, gently brush your eyebrow hairs so they lay in neat, straight lines and all point in the same direction. Nothing looks worse than eyebrows with hairs running every which way. Once your brows are well-brushed, blend your makeup so that it looks more natural. Do this with a clean brush and use soft, gentle motions.

Pluck and Trim

Pluck and trim your eyebrows whenever they begin to get unruly and you see stray hairs. Be careful when plucking, and only pull out one hair at a time. Plucking even one extra eyebrow hair can slightly change the shape or create a sparse area in your brow. Be careful, and remember that less is more. If you over-pluck your brows, they won’t look natural anymore.

The Natural Brow Look

The natural brow look is in, but remember it’s only a look. You’ll still want to take the time to apply makeup and groom your brows well. After all, even a natural beauty look takes some work! Put in the effort, and you’ll love the way your natural brows look.

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