4 Ways to Save on Christmas Decorations This Year

It can be a lot of fun to buy new decorations for Christmas every December—until you spend every January groaning over all the bills. Even without spending a ton of money, it’s possible to execute an elegant, beautiful holiday. Learn ways to save on your Christmas decorations this year, and save yourself a lot of January stress.

Rely on Rustic Charm

Get creative with your Christmas decorations to save some money. Collect pine cones and evergreen branches when you can, and turn thebvgbvvbggvvm into holiday decorations. Pine cones look amazing on the Christmas tree, and natural greenery is a beautiful addition to the fireplace mantle. Gather up acorns for pretty table decorations. Found decorations give your home plenty of rustic charm, and the beauty is that it’s all free.

If you want to take your decorations up to the next level, or give them more of a commercial shine, use spray paint. It’s cheap, it’s easy to use and it’s available in an array of metallic colors that give everything a touch of elegance. A plain pine cone is a cute, rustic decoration. A silver pine cone is a high-end detail.

Go Consignment Shopping

If you want to save money on your Christmas decor, stay away from the big box stores and popular chains and go hunting for bargains at consignment shops. Look for little toys and small, decorative items that can be turned into Christmas decorations. Kids’ toys look adorable on a Christmas tree, and you can get them on the cheap at consignment stores. Be sure to check out the costume jewelry while you’re here, too.


Put your crafting skills to good use, and make your own Christmas decorations. Homemade Christmas decorations lend whimsical charm to the holiday, and this is a traditional way to trim your tree. Once upon a time, all Christmas decorations were handmade. Use stiff cardstock to create little boxes and wrap them up like presents to make cute Christmas tree ornaments. Use scraps of ribbon to make little bows that you can put anywhere. And don’t skimp on the cotton balls. Pull them apart and place them on tabletops to create faux snow. Once you start getting crafty with Christmas decor, you’ll come up with all sorts of ideas on your own.

Spruce Up Old Ornaments

Get some glitter paint from the craft section at the store, and spruce up your old ornaments. Use the glitter paint to cover up worn spots or add a design to a plain ornament. You can even use glitter paint on candles and vases to create a gorgeous Christmas-y look using stuff you’ve already got. Have some plain white candles? With a little gold or silver glitter, they become perfect for the holiday season. Even one tube of glitter paint goes a long way. And if you aren’t artistic, just use it to draw small dots. Luckily, a little bit of glitter makes everything look more festive and elegant—even in small doses.

Save on Christmas Decorations

The less money you spend on decorating for Christmas, the more money you’ll have to spend on everything else for the holiday season—and you know that list goes on and on. With a little extra effort, you can create, find and design amazing-looking decorations without spending big bucks. Give yourself a great gift by spending less money on Christmas this year.

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