How to Build a Minimalist Wardrobe That Works for Any Occasion

Want to build a minimalist capsule wardrobe that works for all occasions? Us, too! But admittedly, it can be imitating when you’re just starting out. So here are some of our best tips to help guide you.

Clean Out Your Closet

First things first: Clean out your closet. The name of the game is keeping only what you love. Designate three piles to simplify the process: keep, donate, and recycle. If you love it, keep it; if you don’t, donate it. Keep the items you aren’t sure about somewhere else for a few months, like in a different closet or under your bed. If you don’t miss them after a certain period, add them to the donation pile.

What’s Your Style?

When building a capsule wardrobe, getting to know your style is important. Note the shapes, colors, and patterns you gravitate toward and what pieces make you most confident. Remember, the key word is “minimalist,” so everything should be about quality, not quantity.

Consider Your Lifestyle

Building a minimalist wardrobe means having only what you need. So think about the clothes you need to best fit your lifestyle. Do you frequent the gym? Do you go out at night a lot? Do you need professional attire for work, or are you typically in sweatpants? The garments you wear most often should take up the most room in your closet.

Splurge vs. Save

As you build your wardrobe, it’s okay to splurge on staple items. Shop ethical brands offering high-quality pieces made of durable textiles. Everyday coats, denim, shoes, and handbags are worth splurging on because you’ll wear them often. You can also check out secondhand shops, which are more sustainable and typically offer more bang for your buck.

Time to Play Dress Up

The opportunity to play “dress up” with what’s in your closet will happen. The first opportunity will be right after cleaning out your closet. Make as many outfits as possible from your current wardrobe – and get creative! This will give you an idea of what you need to shop for. As you add pieces, toss them into the mix and see what outfits you can come up with.

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