Women Watch More Gay & Lesbian Porn Than Men Do

A surprising new study reveals that women are watching lesbian porn way more than men. Data from PornHub, the world’s largest pornography website (it has 44 million viewers a day), shows that the most viewed category for women was lesbian porn, with the second largest category being gay sex.

According to the data, women are 193% more likely to search it over men. Lesbian porn even beat out the “For Women” category in ladies’ porn searches.

Men, meanwhile, are way more likely to be caught scrolling through “Teen” or “MILF” pornography. Lesbian porn comes in all the way at sixth, also falling behind “Mature”, “Ebony”, and “Anal”.

Take a peak at the websites top searches for yourself:

Image courtesy of PornHub.
Image courtesy of PornHub.

Additionally, Gay Star News reported that a spokesperson for the site stated: “Though other classics like “teen”, “MILF”, “threesome” and “anal” pepper this list as well, it’s clear that the type of sex that women are most interested in watching occurs between members of the same sex.”

On another note, women searched “eating pussy” 901% more times than men, along with “girl on girl” and the term “lesbian”.

We’re not sure which is more shocking – that women search for lesbian porn more than men or that dudes can’t seem to move past the “teen” porn. Either way, let’s file this under “the more you know” category.

Jessica E. Williams

Jessica is a fun-loving free spirit. She's a writer that covers all sorts of genres. In her spare time, she's enjoying her family and contemplating the deeper meaning of life.

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