Perfecting the Art of Small Talk

While some people are naturally good at small talk, others struggle to figure out what to say next. Luckily, we have some tried-and-true tips for mastering the art of small talk for your next social obligation.

Change Your Perception

Instead of freaking out because you’re talking to someone new, pretend like you’re talking to an old friend. The conversation may start rocky because you’re both getting a feel for one another, but after a few minutes, you’re in a groove, and the dialogue is flowing naturally.

Know When to Talk vs. Listen

A good conversation is a healthy balance of give and take. It’s not unusual for someone to start firing off questions, but this can feel like an interrogation. Make sure you ask as many questions as you answer.

Assuming Is Okay Sometimes

Assume that the person you are talking to is kind and wants to be your friend. Going into a conversation with this mindset means you can naturally open up to this person.

Know Before You Go

Before you head to an event, read up on a few things happening in the world. You don’t have to become an expert, but being up to date on a few current events can save conversation lulls.

Most of Us Are Bad With Names

If you’re one of those people, it’s okay to politely ask a person’s name again – but do your best to remember it.

Focus, Focus

Finding a topic of conversation can be difficult. So, if all else fails, you can never go wrong with compliments.

Exit Stage Left

Some people aren’t interested in small talk, so if you are giving the conversation everything and more, and the other person isn’t interested, politely excuse yourself and walk away.

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