How to Curb Writer’s Block

If you’re a writer, you understand writer’s block: your biggest enemy, worst nightmare, and pain in the neck. This inability to begin or continue writing can leave you with an overwhelming, gut-wrenching feeling of “Will I ever complete this?” Trust us, we know how it goes. Here are some tips and tricks to curb that feeling!

Try the Pomodoro Technique

The Pomo-what? The Pomodoro technique says that most people are productive in 25-minute increments. Basically, do something for 25 minutes, then move on. Start by setting a timer, then focus intently on the task at hand without any interruptions. After 25 minutes, stand up and stretch. Walk it off. Get a snack. Then restart that 25-minute loop all over again when you’re ready.

Jot Down Distractions

Distractions are the #1 cause of writer’s block. So, instead of allowing those thoughts to invade your headspace, grab a notebook and jot it all down. Big or small, at least the thoughts are out of your head, and you have a little extra space to think clearly.

Do Something Entirely Mundane

Tasks that take no brain power, like taking a shower, cleaning, and cooking, are perfect distractions to get you out of writer’s block. Doing something mundane automatically transitions our brains to autopilot, allowing the creative side to daydream and wander. It’s like a writer’s block reset.

Try Freewriting

Doing something mundane will give your thoughts space to roam freely; freewriting will do the same. How do you freewrite? Well, there are no explicit rules to follow. However, freewriting is more about thoughts and ideas and less about chores and your to-do list. Start by setting a timer for about 10-15 minutes and just let everything spill out onto the paper – no matter how jumbled it is. You might uncover hidden ideas, new creative lingo, fresh thought processes, and more.

Read a Book

We genuinely enjoy reading a book when writer’s block kicks in. As our eyes scan the pages, inspirational thoughts pop up. New vocabulary fills the brain. Ideas layer over one another, and soon enough, we’re back to typing our little writer’s heart away.

How do you curb writer’s block? Share your tips with us in the comments below!

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