Snow Removal Tips

Spring is so close, we can feel it…unfortunately though, Mother Nature seems to have a few more snowfalls up her sleeve, depending on where you live. So with that said, here are some helpful snow removal tips.

Use Stakes to Mark Your Driveway

If you live in an area where you get several feet of snow at a time, finding your driveway can be a bit of a challenge. Using stakes to mark your driveway and walkways allows you to see where you need to shovel and where you can save your energy. While it doesn’t seem like much, it can be a huge time-saver!

Use Cooking Spray

Believe it or not, cooking spray does more than just keep your food from sticking to pots and pans. It can actually help to keep snow from sticking to your shovel, making it much easier to get through the snow-shoveling process.

Cover Your Car

If you park your car in a place other than your garage, you can save yourself the hassle of clearing snow off by using a tarp to cover it. This way, you simply remove the tarp. You can also use this method to protect any outdoor furniture.

Shovel More Often

Most people wait until the snow has already fallen to remove it, but this creates more work! Instead, shift your approach and shovel more often. The snow will be lighter, less packed down, and easier to manage. While you may need to head out there multiple times, the effort you exert will be far less than if you did it all in one fell swoop.

Stretch It Out

The act of shoveling can cause your muscles to tighten, especially in the cold, which increases your risk for injury. So, just like any workout, you should stretch before and after you shovel.

Take Breaks

Wanting to “get it done” can often force us to work through discomfort, leading to injury. Listen to your body while you shovel. If your back is screaming for a break, give it one!

Salt First

While many people salt the driveway after they shovel, it’s also just as effective to do so before a big snowfall, as laying salt down on your driveway and sidewalks can prevent ice from forming in the first place.

With these tips in mind, you’ll be clearing out that unwanted snow in no time, leaving you plenty of time to sit back and relax with a nice cup of hot chocolate.

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