How to Fit a Little More Reading Time Into Your Schedule

Was one of your New Year’s resolutions to read more? You’re not alone! Unfortunately, most people don’t stick to this resolution because of a lack of time. Here are some ways to fit more book time into your schedule.

Read Books You Enjoy

If you don’t add books to your reading list that actually keep your interest, how do you expect yourself to want to make time for them? It’s too easy to replace your reading with something else. But when you select books that speak to you, you’ll look forward to reading and make time!

Set a Daily Page Number

Think about your schedule and how much time you can realistically set aside each day for reading. Maybe you just want to read a chapter a night to wind down from the day – or perhaps it’s just a few pages in the morning as you sip your coffee. Set a daily number of pages to read, then hold yourself accountable.

Build It Into Your Routine

The best way to fit reading into your schedule is to optimize any downtime you have during your daily routine. For instance, if you typically take a lunch break, grab your book and knock out a couple of chapters while you eat. It’ll take your mind off work and help you reach your reading goal. If you like to watch a show on TV, pull out your book during commercials. Get creative by using your downtime to be productive.

Cut Out Unproductive Reading

Do you spend time scrolling through random articles on social media, taking Buzzfeed quizzes, or reading online news stories just to fill the time? Try to replace that content with books. You won’t add anything new to your schedule; you’ll just replace empty time with something you enjoy. Plus, you will probably save money on subscription services!

Rely on Non-Traditional Methods

Even if you prefer reading from a physical copy of a book, sometimes it makes more sense to use non-traditional reading methods, such as audiobooks. These are especially helpful during commutes or if you can afford to listen to something as you work. We get it: The experience isn’t quite the same, but you will get through more content this way.

What are some ways that you fit more book time into your schedule? Share your tips with us in the comments below!

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