Electives You Should Take in College If You Have the Chance

If you’re heading to college soon or currently taking classes, our best piece of advice is to choose your electives wisely! Electives give you the freedom to explore interests, hobbies, and creative pursuits that diverge from your major while tapping into unknown passions and new ways of thinking. Here are some of the best electives to take in college if you have the chance.


Studying the psyche can be challenging, but it’s rewarding. In an intro to psychology class, you’ll research and read case studies about how the brain works: Why do we make certain decisions? How do we process emotions? Why do communicative interactions take place? Why do genders behave differently in the same circumstance? It also doesn’t hurt that psychology can help in various careers – and your daily life.

Creative Writing

If you dread writing papers or essays, you may benefit from a creative writing class more than you think! Not only will you learn ways to combat writer’s block, but you’ll also drastically improve your vocabulary, punctuation, and grammar skills. Creative writing classes are also great for broadening your creative scope. You may discover topics you didn’t even know you were interested in.


Studying society, social issues, and how and why people behave can be very useful in the real world. In an introductory sociology class, you’ll discover why and how cultures have evolved different values, morals, and beliefs. Topics like sex, marital status, politics, race, and ethnicity will also come into play.

Foreign Language

Learning a foreign language can have rewarding effects, including having a leg up in job applications. A person who can speak multiple languages can be more valuable to a company – especially one that does business internationally. Not to mention, it can be quite helpful if you ever want to study abroad or visit a new country.

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