Dealing With the Death of a Pet

When a pet passes away, it feels like a piece of your heart goes missing. Your love for your furry friend feels distant, and you’d give anything to squeeze in one last hug or kiss. The grief can feel unbearable, but fortunately, time can heal those wounds. In the meantime, here are some self-care tips and tricks to deal with the death of a pet.

Don’t Hide Your Emotions

Grief is powerful, but it holds even more power if you bottle it up. No one will judge you for showing your true feelings. So express your emotions. Let it out. Cry or get angry. If you hold back, it will only take you longer to heal.

Reflect on the Life you Shared

Reflect on memories of your pet through writing, storytelling, or some other form of expression. Jotting down memories can help you healthily process your grief and make you feel grateful you had them in your life.

Confide in Others

Losing a pet may seem like a journey you need to go through alone, but that’s not the case. Your family and friends can provide you with words of encouragement if you let them, so accept that necessary support. In addition, hearing similar stories can make you feel less alone. And sharing stories about your fur baby with someone else will allow you to bring their memory back to life.

Be Compassionate With Yourself

Sometimes it’s hard to practice self-love – it’s much easier to wallow in self-pity…but, instead, try to participate in activities you enjoy, like heading to a yoga class, meditating outdoors, signing up for a new fun sports team, or journaling…the options are near endless.

Don’t Rush

Take your time before you consider getting another pet. Make sure you’re ready and not trying to replace what you lost. Sometimes, it’s easy to build a bit of resentment when a new pet comes in – especially if they don’t have the same personality and habits of your last loved one, so be sure to fully grieve before considering a new addition to the family. And give it time – sometimes new personalities can be refreshing and beautiful.

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