Tips for Staying Motivated to Work Out at Home

There are two types of people in this world: those who view working out as fun and those who view it as a chore. And if you fall into the latter category, you’ve come to the right place. Here are some tips for staying motivated to work out at home.

Before You Get Into It, Schedule a Little R&R

Prepare your mind and body by scheduling a pre-workout rest and relaxation session. That’s right: session, not drink. Watch your favorite show, listen to a podcast, journal about your day, or dance it out to a few songs. Once you are calm, cool, and collected, start your workout.

Create a Dedicated Workout Space

One of the biggest obstacles to working out at home is not going to a gym or studio. To avoid that complication, create a dedicated workout space in the basement, garage, spare bedroom, or backyard. The space doesn’t need to be massive; just choose an area that gives you enough room to move around and store your equipment.

Incorporate the 3×10 Rule

The most common excuse for not working out is a lack of time. Stay motivated by incorporating the 3 x 10 rule: schedule a walk or strength training three times a day, 10 minutes each. By the end of the week, you’ll have worked out for 3.5 hours.

Create a Pump-Up Playlist

Music and exercise go together like peanut butter and jelly! Working out is easier when you have good music. So start creating a playlist of high-energy songs. This site suggests choosing songs with 40-125 beats per minute, the “optimal tempo” to keep you pushing harder and faster through every minute of exercise.

Choose Your Workouts in Advance

Committing to workouts in advance works wonders for your motivation. Write them down or save the links. When it comes time to exercise, you’ll be prepared and have no excuses. We also suggest being one step ahead and planning several workouts at a time. That way, if one area of your body is sore, you can switch to another routine.

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