The Benefits of Taking Collagen Supplements

Collagen has completely taken over the health and beauty industry and has earned its place as one of the best supplements to incorporate into your daily diet. From face masks to serums, to powdered supplements and infused water; the list goes on. But, many of you are probably wondering what exactly is collagen, and what are its true benefits?

What is Collagen?

Collagen is a naturally occurring protein in your body that is found in your skin, muscles, and ligaments, and promotes elasticity. Although collagen is naturally occurring in our bodies, as we get older our bodies don’t produce as much collagen as they once did. The first place you start to see less collagen is your skin. It loses its “elasticity,” leading to the formations of fine lines and wrinkles. Many people take additional collagen through supplements and other products in order to maintain higher levels of collagen in their bodies. 

What are the benefits of collagen supplements?

Stronger Joints

Many doctors believe that collagen can promote stronger joints by repairing destroyed cartilage in your joints. This makes it such a great supplement for adults to incorporate into their daily diets because as we get older, our joints begin to lose their strength as the collagen depletes in our bodies.

Tightening Skin

Many people who take collagen are taking it for the amazing effects it has on your skin. It’s said that taking additional collagen can help tighten the skin, add moisture, and reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

Bone Health

Collagen is naturally found in our bones, and helps keep our bones healthy and strong! Collagen provides support for the growth and repair of cartilage tissue, and can help relieve joint inflammation and pain. It also helps with strength and flexibility, and helps make up important components of your skin and tendons.

Product Recommendations

There are hundreds of different collagen products out there and it can get a little overwhelming. These products below are a good place to start, but any trustworthy product that has collagen peptides or amino acids should be acceptable to use. Please always research your products before taking them! The best place to start when incorporating collagen into your routine is through supplement form or skin products. Here are some suggestions to get you started on your collagen wellness journey:


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