Low-Key Activities to Do Around the House on a Sick Day

Being sick is the worst! Sure, sitting home on the couch all day sounds like a good plan, but it can also be b-o-r-i-n-g…especially if you’re already caught up on all your shows. If you’re feeling up for it, we have some ways to entertain yourself besides lounging around all day. Check out our suggestions below.

Indulge in Self-Care

When you’re sick, the goal is to make yourself feel better, so think of it as your personal spa day. What better way to do that than by taking a hot bath? Let that steam soothe your nasal passageways. If you need something extra, dig out the Epsom salts and soak your muscles. Don’t forget a Facemask and hair softening treatment! Our favorite? Mix 1/2 cup of Olive Oil with 1/2 cup of Coconut oil. Apply to your hair and let it soak! Shampoo later – and we mean after all your other beauty treatments are done!

Go Outside, Even Just for a Minute

If you’re able to muster the energy, get outdoors. The fresh air can be healing. Bundle up in a scarf, or bring your favorite blanket to sit outside for a few minutes. If you’re not up for moving, try cracking a window open for 10 minutes.

Make Yourself a “Care Tray”

Get out a tray and stock it with your favorite “sick things,” like a cup of tea, water, tissues, cough drops, a thermometer, and a snack. And don’t forget the TV remote! Then, post up on your couch or bed with all the necessities. You’ll feel better that you have everything you need right there in front of you.

Eat Chicken Soup

It may not sound like much of an activity, but chicken soup is one of the best things you can eat when you’re sick. It helps calm inflammation and ease unwanted symptoms. Plus, you need something in your stomach to make sure you don’t end up feeling even more sick.

When in Doubt…

If the above options don’t tickle your fancy, don’t worry. We have a few more ideas up our sleeves:

  • Give yourself an at-home manicure or pedicure.
  • Read a book. You have all the time in the world, so why not?
  • Go through every email in your inbox – even the promotional section. Heck, you might end up buying some things on sale.
  • If you have a coloring or crossword puzzle book lying around, get to work.
  • Dig deep into your phone’s photo gallery and go on a deleting spree. After all, you don’t need those random screenshots from five years ago that you don’t even remember taking. Free up some space and go down memory lane at the same time.
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