How to Stay Active During the Winter

It can be challenging to stay active when the temperatures drop – especially if the bulk of your exercise normally takes place outdoors. But there are still ways to stay motivated this winter. Here are some tips for staying active when it’s cold outside!

Layer Up and Walk It Off

Just because there’s snow on the ground doesn’t mean you have to ditch your daily walk. Instead, layer up accordingly and head outside. Icy conditions may prevent you from running, but the simple act of walking will keep your body active. If walking outdoors really isn’t an option, you can always use a treadmill or pace around the house to get your steps in.

Rely on Daylight

Motivation to exercise tends to drop significantly after dark. For this reason, try to get your activity in early to avoid the earlier nightfall. A midday workout allows you to hit peak energy and sunshine levels, beating that 3 p.m. slump while ensuring your lunch break is active and productive.

Grab a Partner

When you rely on someone else to help get you through your workout, you’re more likely to follow through. Whatever your motivators, having someone hold you accountable is always in your best interest. For some people, the buddy system works best at the gym, while for others, meeting a friend for a walk is all it takes. You’re also more likely to enjoy the journey when you share it with someone else.

Don’t Skip Stretches

Your muscles are more likely to tighten up in the winter, leading to injury if you’re not properly caring for your body. For this reason, be sure to stretch before and after your workouts. You can watch online videos to walk you through the best stretches, or you can select a quick warmup that works best for you and stick to it.

Hydration Is Still Key

Just as you should always stretch before and after your workout, you should also hydrate plenty. Warmer temperatures instinctively tell you to drink water more often, but it requires a more active responsibility to stay hydrated during the colder months.

Track Your Activities

Your goals for the new year are likely already propelling you forward. This means that it’s the perfect time to let your goals drive your workout. Whether you track your activities via an app or write them down the old-fashioned way, keeping tabs on your progress is a great way to stay motivated through the winter and into spring.

What are some ways that you stay active during the winter months? Share your tips with us in the comments below!


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