Hot Flashes? Here’s What to Do to Get Some Relief

Hot flashes, which are sudden feelings of intense heat paired with sweating and super-flushed skin, tend to occur at the beginning of menopause and stick around until you’re postmenopausal. They can also be caused by other factors, including certain medications, being overweight, food allergies or sensitivities, anxiety, rosacea, hormone conditions, thyroid conditions, and cancer. So what can you do to get some hot flash relief? Read on!

Know the Cause

Hot flashes are commonly caused by a change in hormone levels. The exact hormonal change is unknown, though most research points to decreased estrogen levels. This messes with your internal thermostat, making your body more sensitive to even the slightest temperature change. The second your hypothalamus gets warm, your body jumps into action to cool down. As mentioned, other factors and conditions can also trigger hot flashes, so if you are not nearing menopause, consult your doctor to determine the causes.

External Triggers

There are certain triggers for hot flashes, including

  • Smoking
  • Caffeine
  • Tight clothing
  • Spicy foods
  • Stress
  • Heat
  • Alcohol

Avoid these triggers whenever possible to minimize the onset of a hot flash.

Are There Remedies?

Embr Wave Helps You Keep Your cool – Naturally

A personal cooling bracelet might be top of your list, like the one from Embr Wave (Shop here). According to Embr Wave, “A hot flash happens when the brain sends a false signal that says you’re too hot. With Embr Wave, you can instantly activate cooling sensations that work with your body’s natural response to temperature to counteract this mistaken signal, helping to stop the hot flash in its tracks.”

Hormone Therapy

Estrogen is your best friend when it comes to hot flashes, but unfortunately, your body may no longer be producing a necessary supply. To get back on track, talk to your doctor, since hormone therapy must be tailored to your specific needs.

Take Paroxetine

Paroxetine is considered a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressant, but it is also prescribed to treat hot flashes. Other medications may be available depending on what your doctor recommends.

Alternative Options

There are over-the-counter therapies or alternative treatment options you can try. Most of these haven’t been scientifically proven, though some women claim they work. These options may also have side effects, so even though they are OTC, check with your doctor before trying them. These can include:

  • Evening primrose oil
  • Black cohosh
  • Soy
  • Acupuncture
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