Everything We Know About “You” Season 4 Release

Image via dnm.nflximg.net

Penn Badgley is back for season 4 of the hit television show You, and we couldn’t be more terrifyingly excited to see what’s in store. Here’s a quick recap of the Netflix series (spoiler alert!), plus what we know so far about the upcoming season!

What Is ‘You’ About?

The series begins with a charming look at the life of Joe Goldberg, a bookstore manager in New York who quickly falls head over heels for Guinevere Beck, an aspiring local writer. Little do we know how far his character is willing to take it. In just a few episodes, Joe’s crush becomes a total obsession, stalking Beck and knocking down anyone in his way.

In season 2, Joe travels to Los Angeles to escape his previous crimes, changing his name to Will Bettelheim. Soon after the move, he meets a chef named Love Quinn. His obsessive patterns and violent tendencies come back into the picture, but with a twist: Love also has a dark side, but how far is she willing to take hers?

In season 3, Joe and Love are living in the Californian suburb of Madre Linda with their son, Henry. But regardless of their seemingly “perfect” life, Joe still doesn’t have everything he wants. He finds librarian Marienne extremely attractive, and his obsessive traits get knocked back into gear. Unfortunately for Joe, Love will do anything to keep her happy family glued together.

When Will Season 4 Be Released?

Netflix is releasing part 1 of season 4 on February 9! Part 2 won’t be released until March 10.

What Do We Know About Season 4?

This time around, the plot won’t be in the United States. If his track record resumes, we can assume that Joe (now Professor Jonathan Moore) will go on another one of his murderous rampages – with a close female obsession link, of course. After all, it’s easy to follow the plot and predict that Joe moving to Europe is just a ploy to be close to Marienne. But with a new cast of future victims, maybe it’s best to let the screen tell the story before we get ahead of ourselves. Could there be another love interest on the horizon?

And let’s also not forget about Henry. After Joe stages his own death and murders his wife, he leaves his son to a loving couple before he runs away. Will Henry come up in conversation? Or perhaps in dialogue between Joe and himself throughout the season?

Get ready for season 4 of ‘You’ by adding it to your list on Netflix now.

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