Everything from bacteria to allergies and, of course, hormones can cause acne. But did you know that certain foods can also interact with your skin’s health?
Let’s be clear: Everyone’s biology is different, and what foods affect one person may not impact another. (Think about a person you know who eats nothing but junk food, and yet they have perfectly clear skin.) But if you haven’t been able to narrow it down for yourself, this list will introduce you to the most common acne-causing foods.
We know that sugar isn’t exactly healthy. But how does it cause acne? Well, sugary foods like candy, soda, or white flour pasta tend to raise your blood sugar and insulin levels. This, in turn, makes some hormones more active, boosting sebum production and ultimately leading to acne.
Dairy can cause digestive and intestinal issues, but it can also lead to breakouts. Why? Well, there isn’t a precise answer, but one of the more common assumptions is that dairy raises insulin levels, worsening acne.
A widely discussed contributor to acne is chocolate. Some studies suggest that chocolate increases the immune system’s reactivity to acne-causing bacteria. Although this link has yet to be scientifically proven, it is commonly studied.
Whey Protein
Whey protein is a popular dietary supplement found in shakes, protein bars, and powder form. Although it has its health benefits, like sugar, whey protein can increase insulin-like growth factors, which is linked to increased sebum production that can cause acne.
If you think that one of these ingredients might be causing you breakouts, try removing it from your diet for a few weeks and see how your skin reacts. If your skin problems persist, our best advice would be to schedule an appointment with a dermatologist who can best diagnose the root causes of your acne.