Dating & Ghosting: What Is It And Have You Ever Done It?

Have you ever been ghosted? Ghosting is a term used nowadays in the dating world to describe someone who’s there one day and suddenly gone the next. Maybe you two were dating for a few weeks or a few months then next thing you know, you never hear from them again. They don’t text. They don’t answer your calls. They disappear from social media.

Why does a person “ghost” someone?

The quick answer is, they are a coward. Instead of being decent enough to let the other person know they are no longer interested, they just run. In their minds, they are sparing the other person’s feelings. In actuality, they are doing major emotional and psychological damage. Now, instead of it just being a relationship that didn’t workout, the person is having to deal with an unclosed loop, self-doubt and abandonment.

If you’ve considered ghosting someone, consider this first…

#1 – Ask yourself how’d you feel if someone just up and left you without an explanation. Putting yourself in someone else’s shoes will help you to not just have a “me, me, me” attitude towards the relationship. You’ll be able to consider someone else’s feelings.

#2 – Write a couple of sentences on why you don’t want to be with that person anymore.
If you write down why you don’t want to be with them, it will help you get clear on what it is that you will say .

#3 – Be brave and set up a time to talk to them. This is going to be the hardest part of all – telling them why things aren’t working out between the two of you.

READ MORE: Is “Ghosting” The New Word For Coward? (Ladies Included)

Jessica E. Williams

Jessica is a fun-loving free spirit. She's a writer that covers all sorts of genres. In her spare time, she's enjoying her family and contemplating the deeper meaning of life.

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