Everything You Need to Know About Building Confidence

Confidence may be key, but building confidence can be a journey. Regardless of who you are, building confidence is possible; it just takes a little effort and self-care to achieve. Here are a few tips to help you build up your confidence.

Be Fair to Yourself

For many of us, we are our own worst enemy. We hold ourselves to the highest standards. But in order to build confidence, it’s important to be fair to yourself. This means you shouldn’t put yourself down for mistakes you’ve made, and you shouldn’t hold yourself to unrealistic, unattainable standards. The second you throw out that notion that you need to be “perfect,” the sooner you can start making strides to become more confident as a whole.

Revel in Your Accomplishments

You might worry that reveling in your achievements could come across to others as bragging or being self-involved. And while there may be a fine line between them, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being proud of yourself and celebrating your accomplishments. When you allow yourself to acknowledge those feelings, you can slowly build up your confidence.

Get Moving on Your To-Do List

Confidence builds when we see what we’re capable of doing. So just as you should revel in your accomplishments, you should always be developing new goals to achieve. Think of that sense of satisfaction you get when you cross an item off your to-do list. That feeling can increase tenfold as you continue to set more goals.

Start Working Out

Working out can make all the difference for your confidence. According to a Gallup study, just 20 minutes of exercise can improve your mood for several hours after you finish working out. The better your mood, the greater your confidence.

In addition (as much as we don’t like to admit it), the way we feel about how we look contributes greatly to our self-esteem. For this reason, as you begin a new wellness journey, your confidence will grow.

Dress to Impress (Yourself)

Have you ever attended a formal event in which you thought you looked great? How high was your confidence that evening? Have you ever received compliments about your clothing? How high was your confidence then? Clothes are personal, and while you shouldn’t dress to impress others, you can certainly dress to impress yourself. Let your style shine through, and don the apparel that makes you feel the most invincible.

The Bottom Line

Building confidence isn’t always easy. But these tips will help you build yourself up, and help you get closer to your self-confidence goals.


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