The Positive Impact of Power Naps

Everyone is different when it comes to their daily routine, and napping isn’t something we all regularly enjoy. Sometimes, an afternoon snooze can leave us feeling sluggish and even more tired than before. Yet, some people swear by a power nap to help them feel refreshed. What makes a nap positive or negative? Is there a right way to nap?

The Benefit of Power Naps 

Studies show that naps can help reduce stress, make you more alert, and improve cognitive functioning, making a power nap a perfect afternoon pick-me-up. A power nap means:

  1. improved health
  2. more patience
  3. lower stress levels
  4. better reaction time
  5. increased efficiency

How Long Should A Power Nap Be? 

If you tend to feel worse after a nap, you’re probably napping for too long or not long enough. Research shows that a 20-minute nap in the afternoon provides more rest than 20 minutes more sleep in the morning. As people’s bodies naturally become more tired in the afternoon, about 8 hours after we wake up, the afternoon is the ideal time for a nap.

An hour nap can have more restorative effects than a 20 or 30-minute nap, but if you wake up during the middle of a sleep cycle, it may leave you feeling groggy. Everyone is different, so it may take some time to figure out the length of your natural sleep cycle.

Tips For The Perfect Power Nap 

If you’re wanting to take a mid-afternoon nap, try the following steps:

  1. Set an alarm or timer to make sure you don’t oversleep.
  2. Make your room as dark as possible or wear an eye mask. Same goes with making sure its quiet.
  3. Avoid caffeine after breakfast to make it easier for you to fall asleep.
  4. Put your phone on silent.
  5. Lay down, and get comfortable. Try to limit moving around, as movements can wake you up.
  6. Shoot for a 10 minute relaxation – if you fall asleep, great! If not, you still had time to relax.
  7. Try meditation as an alternative to napping when sleep isn’t possible. Meditation allows your body to produce slower brain waves similar to sleep and gives your body a rest.
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