Five Tips for Growing Out Your Hair

Everyone wants what they can’t have, and that absolutely applies to our hair length. When your hair is long, you want to chop it all off. When your hair is short, you crave the days of your long locks. While cutting 10 inches off your hair is quite literally as easy as 1-2-3, growing it back out is a much longer, arduous process. Unfortunately, anyone who has cut and grown their hair out numerous times knows there’s no way to miraculously grow hair back overnight. However, we can divulge some tips and tricks to naturally expedite the process. Here’s a hint: It’s time to break up with your hot tools.

Trim Your Hair

Yes, this seems counterintuitive, but keeping the ends of your hair healthy and trim helps stimulate hair growth, kind of.  A fresh trim doesn’t necessarily make your hair grow faster, but it does help it grow healthier. When left untouched, split ends can travel up your hair shaft, causing breakage at a higher point in your hair. Breakage prevents your hair from growing long and healthy, so try and make a trip to the salon once every two months. Or, if you’re feeling adventurous, you could try to trim it yourself.

Try Biotin

Biotin is a natural supplement linked with the growth and health of hair, skin, and nails. While keratin is a protein that makes up your hair, skin, and nails, biotin supports your body’s keratin. Simply pop one of these babies once every day. You’ll need to give the vitamin time to work its way into your system and routine before you start looking for results. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is long, luscious hair.

Heat Is Not Your Friend

The majority of us are guilty of leaning on hot styling tools to achieve our best hair looks; however, the heat is doing nothing to help hair growth. From blow dryers to curling wands, the heat really hurts your hair and causes damage to the strands. If you can’t cold-turkey end your relationship with hot tools, try to cut down how often you use them. When you need to create those beach waves or straight, sleek look, reach for a heat protection product before styling.

Bye Bye, Bleach

Speaking of damage, bleaching your hair is enemy number one to hair growth. Even when done by a trained professional, bleach is naturally harsh on hair. It causes breakage that makes it more difficult to grow long, healthy hair.

Using A Good Conditioner

As self explanatory as this is, there are many conditioners out there that don’t actually do a very good job at conditioning. If you are having a hard time brushing your hair after your shower, you may be using the wrong product. If your conditioner doesn’t work well, you will find that your hair is not as shiny as it should be, and may even appear eta frizzy or frazzled. Our favorite conditioner is $5.74 – OGX Anti-Breakage + Keratin Oil Conditioner (Click Here).

Use Cold Water in The Shower

Advocates of this method state that cold water stimulates the hair follicle, helping with growth. Simply zap your locks with a burst of cold water to see the benefits of this technique. If you don’t want your entire shower to be cold, switch to cold just as you’re getting ready to exit the shower.

On the whole, the healthier you keep your hair, the faster it will grow. Don’t be afraid to engage in a little trial and error and see what technique works best for you in your hair growth journey.

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