Skin-Benefiting Foods

There are so many foods and ingredients that can actually help protect and nourish your skin.

Eggs Yolks, Legumes, Avocados, Soybeans and Nuts:

These all contain biotin—an essential chemical for fat and carbohydrate metabolism. A lack of biotin (from taking too many antibiotics or inadequate diet) can lead to dry skin or dermatitis. This deficiency can cause your nails and hair to become frail and brittle.


It contains astaxanthin, the carotenoid that gives salmon it’s pretty pink color, improves skin’s elasticity. Also, the good DHA-omega-3 fat makes your hair and skin look young and healthy.

Green Tea:

The polyphenols are major free-radical scavengers. These thicken your epidermis and protect you from photo damage. It may help sunburn and can be taken orally or topically.


They contain phytonutrients that appear to initiate wound healing. They also thicken the epidermis and prolong fibroblast life to produce collagen and elastin.


The nutrients in these reduce the chance you’ll get sunburn. Bulk up on them (with a little lipid beforehand, so the active ingredients can be absorbed. We really don’t know the active ingredients for this effect, so enjoy the tomatoes rather than just a lycopene supplement.

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